Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

As Requirement to Fulfill the Assignment in Writing 5 Subject

Meicy Mufiani

S1 English Literature
Higher School of Foreign Language
Bandar Lampung

The Phenomenon of Pornography Video Involving Student in Indonesia
Meicy Mufiani

Certainly most of people have negative thinking about pornography, and it related to sex.  Pornography video is contradicted with immoral being valid in Indonesia. Furthermore it involved  student on the video. That will give worst impacts to nation morality. The impacts are free sex and delinquency of juvenile that can break out morality, and lead to behavior corruption on student. Their parents have to give guidance and look after their children in order they will not be influenced by negative things. With this informations, i hope it will increase the conciousness of student and society in order to oversee and avoid creating and watching pornography video.

Keyword: Pornography, Pornography video, Pornography involving student, Impacts of pornography, Phenomenon of Pornography


What do you think if you hear “pornography”? Certainly you and most of people have negative thinking about pornography, and it related to sex.  W.F. Haung said that pornography is the use of women's representation (text, images, photos, videos and movies) in order to manipulate the desire of people who saw, in which the degradation process takes place in the status of women as "objects" of male sexual. Yeah, sometimes sex is needed for adult. But, how about   pornography involving student?
The most interest  thing  about being a student is that it is a time of life when devoting self entirely to something that really interests for. In their age, it is so easy to give them influence, because they still seek knowledges or informations what they have not know yet.  Unfortunately, there are many factors from the outside that influence mind set of student or the attitude and morality  through electronic media, such as video pornography. Currently, there was issue about pornography video which involved students in Indonesia which is involved students. There is a case in an elementary school that a boy rapping his friend after watching video porn.
Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) mentions, there were at least 84 reports of pornography and porn action until coming into this KPAI October 2013. Entirely performed by children from the students under age.  Pornography video is contradicted with morality being valid in Indonesia. Furthermore, it involve  students on the video. The videos have been spreaded out among school. That will give worst impact to nation morality. Many parties will be harmful because of the video. And on this article, I’m going to explain about the impact of pornography video involving students in Indonesia.

The Impacts of Pornography Video

Video porn contains sexual element that is taboo and inappropriate to be watched on. The outbreak of pornography video diffusion involving student can cause many adverse effects on many sides, both involving  and watching. Pornography has many negative.

1. Free Sex
 “That memories of experiences that occurred at times of emotional arousal (which could include sexual arousal) are imprinted on the brain by epinephrine, an adrenal gland hormone, and are difficult to erase.”
Psychologist Dr. Victor Cline

This may partly explain pornography's addicting effect. Viewing pornography can potentially condition some viewers to have recurring sexual fantasies during which they masturbate. Later they may be tempted to act out. Pornography often introduces children prematurely to sexual sensations that they are developmentally unprepared to contend with. This awareness of sexual sensation can be confusing and overstimulating for children or student.
 It means that when someone see something related to sexuality, it will be saved and memorize continuely in memory.  Pornography makes someone thought become full of sex. Thought of sex will dominate the unconsciousness. Sexual video is addictive so that when someone decides to stop watching, pictures or videos which have been seen in the past will survive until next years or forever. It is that makes someone is felt down to free sex.
Many under age students  were involved in pornographic and pornography. One of the cause is the frequency of watching videos or content from the internet that contain pornography.  For the example, there were a case in which a class 5 student of a elementary  school in Situbondo raping kindergarten student after he saw video porn in mobile phones of his friend. That is what triggered the free sex in teenagers even children. From the incident, it can be concluded that pornography video give big influence to the one who watch it.

2. Juvenile delinquency 
According to Neng Djubaedah says in her book entitled Stop Pornografi Selamatkan Moral Bangsa that pornography can damage our moral (2004:8). Pornography can causes behavior corruption on someone, particularly on student. Pornography changes and weaken control function. It makes people can not control their behavior. Pornography videos that depict rape and the dehumanization of females in sexual scenes constitute powerful but deforming tools of sex education. The dangers for student  give changes in attitude that are facilitated by pornography. That is all lead to delinquency of juvenile that can break out morality.
So, students should get good education from their school and also their environment. Particularly, their parents have to give guidance and look after their children in order they will not be influenced by negative things.


Pornography video gives many impacts among teenager, especially for student. It can break out morality so that lead to behavior corruption on student. Those are all lead to free sex and delinquency of juvenile. The students should get good education from their school and also their environment. Particularly, their parents have to give guidance and look after their children in order they will not be influenced by negative things. With this informations, i hope it will increase the conciousness of student and society in order to oversee and avoid creating and watching pornography video.


Protect Kids, Wednesday, February 19 2013 (accesed on October 12th 2014 at http://www.protectkids.com/effects/harms.htm)
Student Definition. Wikipedia. (accessed on October 13th 2014  at  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student).
Djubaedah, Neng. 2004. Stop Pornografi Selamatkan Moral Bangsa. Jakarta: Education Image and Board of Islam woman Center.

Sutriyono, Joko Ade. 2013. Pornografi di Kalangan Pelajar. Jakarta. ( Accesed on October 12, 2014 at http://sp.beritasatu.com/home/pornografi-di-kalangan-pelajar-mengerikan/44891)

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